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2019 Maker Finish-Along ~ Precious Maker Supplies

It’s time for the next challenge in the 2019 Maker Finish-Along! March was all about making making time for making, so we don’t become cranky cranks! We also picked a UFO to focus on & finish for the month. For the April challenge we will be picking another UFO to finish & focusing on using precious maker supplies. Y’all know, the ones we squirrel away like precious maker gold! ; )


By the way, a UFO is an “UnFinished Object”, in case y’all didn’t know. It’s usually used by quilters or crocheters or knitters, but it applies to projects of all kinds. Since this is a Maker Finish-Along, it’s open to makers of all kinds. No matter what fuels your maker mojo, you can join in the fun!

Here are links to the previous challenges >

You’ll also find a printable schedule & UFO list in the Facebook group.

A Maker’s Hoard

Let’s face it – maker’s tend to hoard maker supplies! Some say it’s a second hobby & I think maybe it really is. Today I’m not talking about the standard collections we curate for whatever crafts we dabble in. I’m talking about that super special don’t-you-touch-that stash. The one that’s more precious than that gold ring in the Hobbit. The one that we pull out & gaze at lovingly from time to time.

Y’all know what I’m talking about! Cause if you don’t, I don’t know if you’re a real maker – just sayin’! It could be fancy yarns dyed to perfection by indie dyers….

Or a special stash of fabrics you’ve been collecting {I have a basket full}…

It could be a special wood, beads, paint, buttons, etc. Whatever it is that makes you so excited you feel the need to squirrel it away rather than use it – that’s what I’m talking about!

What are we saving it for??

I’ve heard so many stories of people saving things for special days that never come & it’s really sad to me. Wouldn’t it be more enjoyable if we used it?

I say that special time is right now y’all!

April’s Maker Challenge

This month’s challenge is all about using something from you’re precious stash. You don’t have to use everything from it right now, but pick one thing from that fabulous stash & make it more fabulous!

I know. I can hear it already. But, what if I mess it up? What if it’s a disaster & I’ve wasted my precious supply?

How about we flip that train of thought to  –  what if this is the best making experience I’ve ever had? What if this is so awesome I want to make more?

Just say that to yourself & see how it changes the way you feel about it. Go ahead, I’ll wait! ; )

I’ve already picked out something from my precious stash to start working with this month. The rust colored yarn on the left is 100% baby alpaca lace weight yarn. It’s been in my stash for yearssss!

Yarny people will know, this is a very nice yarn. What good is it doing sitting on my shelf collecting dust? No good, no good at all! I’ve already wound it up into a yummy cake with some Caron Simply Soft Tweeds…

Delicious! I can’t wait to start working with it because I know whatever I make is gonna be ah-mazing y’all!

So, go dig out that precious maker supply you’ve been hoarding like a dragon with gold & make it better than gold! You can even count this as your UFO for the month if you want. ; )

Remember, the most important goal is to enjoy making! What better way to enjoy making than to use our favorite things to make something awesome?

Happy making y’all! : )


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