I love taking something that seemed useless and turning it into something fabulous!  DIY helps fill my need to create.  When I go to thrift stores and yard sales, I get an excited tingle all the way to my toes!  You never know what you might find and the possibilities are endless.  Every time I go to throw something away or put it in the donation pile, I think about what else I may be able to do with it.  I also like to be able to do as much household maintenance myself as possible.  Like the time I changed out our kitchen sink trap!  It was disgusting, but I felt so accomplished knowing I did it myself.  You never know what you might find here, so keep looking!

DIY Large Letter From Cardboard Boxes

Y’all it’s getting so hard to share DIY projects on the blog!  Most of them are Christmas presents & the ones that aren’t, are too big to tackle at the moment!  This DIY large letter is part of a special project for a Christmas gift.  I’ll show y’all the bulk of the project, but not […] Read more…

A DIYer’s Christmas Wish List

As a DIYer, I’ve made many, many gifts for people over the years – it’s my favorite thing to do!  I like to take the time to really think about the gift receiver & think about what might make them smile.  Seeing someone’s face light up when they open a gift is the best feeling […] Read more…

Tabletop Tomato Cage Christmas Tree

  Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission if you buy something through my link or ad.  This does not change your cost it just helps keep this blog running.  Thanks for your support!  See Privacy Policy & Affiliate Deals page for more information. Today I’m taking a little detour from […] Read more…

Bits & Pieces DIY Christmas Ornaments

Today I’m going to show you 8 different kinds of DIY Christmas ornaments made from bits & pieces I found around my craft room.  Depending on what kinds of DIY projects you do, you may have some of these things on hand too.  Maybe you’ve even discarded some of these things.  You might wish you […] Read more…

DIY Selvage Edge Lamp Shade

It’s time for another Monthly Crafty Destash Challenge!  For this month, I grabbed an old wire lamp frame frame & some selvage edges out of my stash.  Now I have an awesome lamp shade that just needs a lamp base to rest on! Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a […] Read more…

Metal Barn Star Christmas Remake

I was thinking about what DIY project to do today & these two metal barn stars hanging over my couch caught my eye.  Of course they weren’t on my list of projects, but they’ve just been hanging up there  collecting dust.  I decided a metal barn star would be perfect to decorate for Christmas!  Now […] Read more…

Wire Basket Makeover ~ Painting & Adding Handles

Today’s project was so last minute it almost didn’t happen!  Sometimes I know what I’m going to do for every post of the week & sometimes I actually get it done early.  Most of the time I’m just winging it!  When I went to bed last night I still didn’t know what I was doing […] Read more…