
Winter Sign Made with Wooden Placemats

Last month I found a trio of wooden placemats during our 100 mile yardsale trip.  They’re the kind made from little round wooden sticks.  I paid a whole $2 for them and everyone kept asking what on earth I was going to do with them.  I didn’t know at the moment, but I knew they […] Read more…

Easy Christmas Gifts

Easy Christmas Gifts – Part One

I’ve decided to do a series on easy Christmas gifts every Monday in November.  There will be handmade gifts and online gifts on my list, so something for everyone! Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission if you buy something through my link or ad.  This does not change […] Read more…

Spooky Spider Frame

How to Make a Spooky Spider Frame

Ready for some more whimsical Halloween decor?  This spooky spider frame is the perfect addition to my Halloween vignette.  Spiders like to be sneaky and can really “spook” you when you see one.  If I saw one as big as these I’d probably pass out from fright!  You can make this in less than an hour! […] Read more…

Whimsical Halloween Decor

My oh my it feels like fall today!  Isn’t it just fabulous?  Today I’ve got a little whimsical Halloween decor project for you, since it’s right around the corner.  I don’t go all out for Halloween like some do – just some touches here and there.  My taste for Halloween decor falls more on the […] Read more…

Reversible Fall Sign

How to Turn a Cheesebox Lid into a Reversible Fall Sign

It’s finally Friday and it actually feels like Fall!  Did y’all miss me Wednesday?  I had some “technical issues” going on that were beyond my control, so I couldn’t do my post.  I’m back today to show you how to turn a cheesebox lid into a reversible fall sign.  Who doesn’t love decor that does […] Read more…

Painted Pine Cones

Painted Pine Cones for Fall Decor

It’s finally Friday y’all!!  As usual it’s been go, go, nap, go around here as I prepare fall decorations and get my husband ready for hunting season.  Anyone else a “hunting widow” on the weekends?  I don’t mind because I get so much done while he’s away!  Today I’m going to show you how to use painted […] Read more…

Simple Fall Wall Decor

Have you noticed the ever so slight change in temperature?  It’s mostly in the mornings, but it’s a sure sign fall is on the way!  I’ve been pulling out my fall decorations and taking stock.  Today I’m going to share some simple fall wall decor I made to revitalize my tired decorations.  This is a stunning look […] Read more…