Thrifty Fun

DIY Supplies & Small Storage Solutions

Today I visited the local home improvement store looking for small storage solutions & picking up some supplies for upcoming projects. This store is almost as dangerous for me as the fabric store! I thought I’d share what I found to solve some storage issues I’m having in some areas.  These are just small things […] Read more…

Mixed Media Frame

After a hiatus in December & January for me, it’s time for some more de-stashing fun with the Monthly Crafty De-Stash Challenge!  This month I’m making a fun mixed media frame to help display mini quilts & quilt blocks. Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission if you […] Read more…

Happy Valentine’s Day Crafty People!

In case you haven’t heard, today is Valentine’s Day! I’m sharing the love today with fun links to past Valentine posts, some history on the origins of the day, & crafty things to do. There’s also a free printable, so I hope y’all enjoy!  <3 Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I may […] Read more…

DIY Dog Bed from a Repurposed Drawer

I made my dog Lucky a dog bed out of old pillow stuffing back in August 2016.  It was among my first DIY blog posts!  That worked great for awhile, but it’s really worn out & smelly now.  Plus, he roots around under it & drags it all over when he decides to get up […] Read more…

DIY Supplies & DIY Blues

I’ve been having a little bit of a DIY mental block here lately!  Most of the projects I really want to do, are larger projects.  Larger projects have to be done outside & it’s either too cold, raining, or – we’ve even had snow this year!  So, I’ve had to think of smaller projects to […] Read more…

DIY Magnet Board & Magnets ~ Trial & Error

Sometimes when I start a project I know exactly what I need to do.  Sometimes it takes a little trial & error!  This DIY magnet board has been on my list for a little bit & I decided to try some different things to see what worked best.  That’s the only way to know sometimes!  […] Read more…

Planners, Lists, Journals, & To Dos

Does anyone else feel like this new year snuck up on them?  I feel as though I’m still trying to get a grasp on 2018!  As a planner & list maker, I’m feeling a little lost!  Usually by now I have a plan of action for the year, my lists are made, my planner is […] Read more…