Thrifty Fun

Magazine Rack Repurposed to Trellised Planter

Today’s DIY post does involve plants, but it’s still a DIY project!  I’ve got gardening on the brain right now y’all!  This was a quick little project that only takes a day at most.  That’s really only because of waiting for paint to dry.  A magazine rack repurposed also means one less thing in my […] Read more…

Gardening Update for May ~ Weeding & Mulching

  Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission if you buy something through my link or ad.  This does not change your cost it just helps keep this blog running.  Thanks for your support!  See Privacy Policy & Affiliate Deals page for more information. It’s time for another monthly garden update! […] Read more…

Repurposed Office Organizer with Succulent Planter

It’s Wednesday which means it’s time for some more DIY goodness!  Today I’m showing you another repurpose of my old jewelry box parts.  I decided to turn this part into an office organizer with a bonus planter top.  Now I’ll have some greenery to liven up my office/entry.  Yeah, my “office” is in my front door entry area! […] Read more…

Bits & Pieces Jewelry Box Makeover

I’ve been promising a jewelry box makeover for two months now and I’m finally done!  This turned out better than I had hoped!  It’s much more functional for jewelry storage, even though it’s a little “Frankenstein-ed” together.  You also can’t really call it a box anymore!  This is a fairly long post with lots of […] Read more…

fixing the washing machine

The Ups & Downs of Fixing the Washing Machine

  Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission if you buy something through my link or ad.  This does not change your cost it just helps keep this blog running.  Thanks for your support!  See Privacy Policy & Affiliate Deals page for more information. I really hadn’t planned on writing a […] Read more…

Funky Junk Turned Functional

  Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission if you buy something through my link or ad.  This does not change your cost it just helps keep this blog running.  Thanks for your support!  See Privacy Policy & Affiliate Deals page for more information. Did you ever need something to do […] Read more…

Gardening for April ~ Tomatoes & Pomegranates

Although I did a little gardening post the first week of the month, I wanted to start having monthly garden updates.  This will be my April update & {unless I do an outdoor DIY project} I will only post an update for my gardens once a month on the 3rd Wednesday.  Just a little post […] Read more…