Thrifty Fun

green root beer float

Green Root Beer Float with Rainbow Sprinkles

This all started when I found some root beer concentrate on the clearance cart at Walmart.  It had a recipe for making root beer on the back and I thought that would be fun to do.  My son and I whipped it up one afternoon when school was out.  The concentrate is clear and he […] Read more…

recycled materials for art

Using Recycled Materials for Art Projects

Just about anyone that’s gone to grade school has used recycled materials for art projects.  I remember having to save milk jugs & empty cans to take to school many times for one thing or another.  Those were some of my favorite things to do!  Taking an object meant for the trash and turning it […] Read more…

junkmail into handmade paper

How to Make Old Prints & Junk Mail into Handmade Paper

Way back in October of last year I posted about some thrift store finds during one of my thrifty Saturdays.  Among those finds were two old window screens I found for 50 cents.  I told y’all in that post I bought them to use for making handmade paper.  I also said a tutorial would be […] Read more…

super simple homemade pizza rolls

Super Simple Homemade Pizza Rolls

It’s Wednesday, the middle of the week, and the first day of the month, so what are you cooking for supper tonight?  I’ve got a recipe that’s quick to whip up and is sure to please all those grumbling bellies!  These homemade pizza rolls can definitely be adjusted to match your families favorite pizza toppings.  You […] Read more…

Cheesy Roasted Potatoes in Less Than 30 Minutes!

  Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission if you buy something through my link or ad.  This does not change your cost it just helps keep this blog running.  Thanks for your support!  See Privacy Policy & Affiliate Deals page for more information. As much as I love to cook, […] Read more…

diy utensil board

DIY Utensil Rack from Recycled Objects

I finally got to work on a project this week that I’ve had on my brain forever!  Although my kitchen is really on the larger size, someone decided to only put counter space on one side.  It’s also broken up by a sink and stove, which only leaves me a little corner of counter space. […] Read more…

Sesame Sweet & Sour Chicken

It’s Friday and it’s the weekend before Valentine’s day, so I’m guessing the restaurants will be packed!  How about staying in with Chinese food and a movie?  Sounds great to me!  Any time we eat out, everyone always orders something different – except Chinese takeout.  We all get the exact same thing, sesame chicken with […] Read more…