Thrifty Fun

paper towel tube flower

Making a Flower with a Paper Towel Tube

Since this week is all about love, I though it would be nice to throw in a kid-friendly craft.  My kids are no longer little, but we always enjoyed doing little crafts from time to time when they were small.  This was rather fun for me because I wasn’t so focused on perfection.  It let […] Read more…

Making a Metal Stitched Heart

Valentine’s day is right around the corner (it’s next Tuesday y’all!) so, I’m dedicating this week to love!  What says love more than a heart?  This metal stitched heart is a great way to add a little love to your decor without going overboard.  I like to add touches here and there for Valentine’s Day […] Read more…

red velvet cupcakes

Red Velvet Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Icing

  Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission if you buy something through my link or ad.  This does not change your cost it just helps keep this blog running.  Thanks for your support!  See Privacy Policy & Affiliate Deals page for more information. Today is the first day of February. […] Read more…

Conquer Your Clutter with Ultimate Bundles

Do you have an avalanche of paper work that needs shoveling?  Are you constantly looking for your keys, your other shoe, or your sanity?  Do I sound like an infomercial?  I hope not!  I just want to share the new Ultimate Bundle with you!  I’ve had the privilege of giving it a test drive and […] Read more…

cardboard tube into storage rack

How to Turn a Cardboard Tube into a Storage Rack

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope everyone in South Georgia is safe and dry after the awful weather we experienced this weekend.  Y’all can check here for ways to help. Please keep everyone in your thoughts and help out if you can! Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission […] Read more…

Ham and Pepper Jack Sliders

I had a plan.  A plan for super.  Alas, I forgot to get chicken!  I saw one of those food videos on Facebook for chicken cordon bleu sliders.  It looked really good and easy to make.  I already had a pack of jalapeno Hawaiian rolls, so I picked up a pack of ham on the […] Read more…

Cleaning up Oil – Kitchen Messes 101

Yeah, I know, another cleaning post!  Y’all might think I’m a cleaning fanatic and my house is spotless.  I can assure you that is definitely not the case.  I’m more of a knowledge fanatic.  I like to read and learn, so when I find things that work, I like to share.  Oil is something that […] Read more…