Thrifty Fun

Rustic Charm Christmas Wreath

Quick and Easy Rustic Charm Christmas Wreath

Only 5 more nights until Christmas!  I’m finishing up presents and last minute gift shopping.  Are y’all finished or still working on it too?  At least I finally decided what to do for my Christmas wreath before Christmas got here!  I’ve tried several different ideas, but none were really speaking to me.  I decided to […] Read more…

Completed Wall Makeover

The Completed Wall Makeover

Remember the wall I started redoing in my Getting Ready for Christmas post?  Well, I finally finished!  It’s just in time to hang my stockings for Christmas.  I really love how it turned out and I also discovered something interesting about the wood on the wall.  This probably would have taken less than a day […] Read more…

super simple veggie pasta sauce

Super Simple Veggie Pasta Sauce

  Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission if you buy something through my link or ad.  This does not change your cost it just helps keep this blog running.  Thanks for your support!  See Privacy Policy & Affiliate Deals page for more information. This time of year there’s always plenty […] Read more…

easy outdoor christmas decor

Easy Outdoor Christmas Decor

  Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission if you buy something through my link or ad.  This does not change your cost it just helps keep this blog running.  Thanks for your support!  See Privacy Policy & Affiliate Deals page for more information. This weekend was busy, busy, busy for […] Read more…

Chicken Noodle Soup

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup and Extra Stock

This week started off wet and there’s a cold front approaching, so it’s time for some chicken noodle soup!  Not the canned kind, of course, but homemade.  When I make it myself, I know what’s in it and I can make sure it’s full of flavor.  I also have leftover stock when I need it. […] Read more…

Easy Christmas Gifts Finale

Easy Christmas Gifts Finale

Did you ever feel like for every step forward you were taking 10 steps backwards?  The past few weeks has totally felt that way for me!  I’m slowly getting things under control – it’s a process!  Anyway, today’s the last part of my Easy Christmas Gifts series!!  It’s a little late, but the Handmade Holidays […] Read more…

Getting Ready for Christmas

Getting Ready for Christmas

Is everyone a little plumper today from all the Thanksgiving eating?  I know I am, thanks to leftover pecan pie and late night online shopping.  Maybe I should have braved the Black Friday crowds to work off some of my pie butt!  Nah, I’ll get a workout spending the rest of the weekend getting ready […] Read more…