Thrifty Fun

Wooden Bin Makeover

For today’s DIY, I’m giving a wooden bin I found during a thrifting adventure a makeover! It’s pine wood knots & aged character really spoke to me. Plus, it was only $5! I knew I could transform it into something useful while still maintaining it’s character. I think I’ve succeeded, so let’s take a look […] Read more…

The Happy Planner = Planner Bliss!

This morning I made a special trip to the next town over to pick up my Happy Planner items. I wound up going to Michaels & JoAnns to get everything I needed & I was so excited to bring it home & start planning! Like I said before, I’m a planner nerd! Let me just […] Read more…

Organize All the Projects!

I spent the weekend cleaning my work space & re-organizing my fabric stash. I’ve already done the same for my yarn stash & DIY stash – yes, I have lots of stashes! Now I want to organize all the projects I have planned for those stashes. I’ve been scouring the web for crafty planners to […] Read more…

Stash Overload!

I spent Saturday cleaning up my work space because it had become some cluttered I didn’t have a clear work surface. When I was finished, I realized my fabric stash needed a clean out as well. At the moment, there’s more coming in than going out – thus the stash overload! I needed to take […] Read more…

Reversible Wood Transfer Sign ~ Pinterest Challenge

Welcome to the September Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop, hosted by My Pinterventures. The purpose of this Pinterest Challenge is to motivate all the participants of this hop {and y’all too} to not just pin, but to make it happen! Look below for a list of past Pinterest Challenges. Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which […] Read more…

DIY Pattern Holder

Today I’m taking two of my recent thrifty finds & making them into something useful! The idea for this DIY pattern holder came about when I stacked one item into another for storage. I thought, hmmm, I know what I can do with that! Sometimes, that’s how these DIY projects go – you never know […] Read more…

Organizing DIY Projects

We are heading into one of my most favorite times of the year – fall! This is one of the best times to go thrifting to me because the temperature becomes more bearable. There are yardsales and craft shows galore & I love meeting thrifty & crafty people. I decided to take stock of my […] Read more…