I’ve been having a little bit of a DIY mental block here lately!  Most of the projects I really want to do, are larger projects.  Larger projects have to be done outside & it’s either too cold, raining, or – we’ve even had snow this year!  So, I’ve had to think of smaller projects to do indoors.  For some reason, this has been challenging for me!  After wondering around the local Wal-Mart yesterday, I finally came up with a plan.  Then, I got home & just felt like blah!  : {

I went to bed early & took some cold medicine only to wake up not feeling any better.  Most of my day has been spent laying in bed sleeping or just trying to rest.  I’m feeling a little better now but the time has past for a DIY project to be done in time for today’s post.  So I decided to take a look at my DIY supplies, see what needs replenishing, & maybe help spark some new ideas that can be made indoors.

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DIY Supplies

I’ve discovered, after simply looking & taking pictures of my supplies, that there are some things I use way more than others.  This crafty plundering also made me realize how many options I have for indoor DIYs!


Paint is a supply that I use quite frequently in DIY projects.  It’s so easy to change the look of something with a little paint!  My current favorite spray paint is Rust-Oleum’s 2X Ultra Coverage.  It really covers well in one coat most of the time.  These are some new additions I’ve picked up over this month since my supply was running low.

The three colors in the middle were marked for clearance for some reason.  I often wonder why certain colors are picked to clear out over others!  The green “eden” & oil rubbed bronze on the ends were picked up during my Wal-Mart wandering yesterday.  I got the green hoping it will be the color I’m looking for to make over my dining room chairs eventually.

Chalk paint has fast become my favorite for mostly wood projects.  Can you guess which color I’ve used the most?

I also love using the metallic lustre for accenting things.  Although I’ve rarely used the silver & my gold has gotten a little hard.  I have yet to try a different brand of chalk paint, but this brand seems to have more color options than others I’ve seen.  This sampler set  is on my list, so I can see what the other colors look like before buying a larger container.  I’d also like to try out some of the other metallic lustre options available.

Acrylics have been in my crafty collection for ages & will continue to be a staple.  For some reason when I went to buy more black & white paint, I came home with the black, two grays, & a bubble gum pink!  No white!  How did that happen?!?

I think I’d really like to try some of the tube acrylics.  They have more body & it would be fun to paint a canvas for some fun wall art!

Of course, you really need paint brushes for most painting projects, but I think I’m good on that end!

You can see how I made my paint brush holder right here.  In case you were wondering!  ; )

Scrapbook Supplies

I certainly do not need any more scrapbook supplies.  I just need to make some scrapbooks!  I’ve got paper, stickers, albums & all kinds of ephemera….

There’s stamps {need to get more stamp cleaner}….

Lots of ink….

I even have a Cricut machine!  This one is a bit older & out dated, but I can still cut out tags & such with it.  Maybe one day I’ll update it and get a Cricut Maker – they look like fun!

I also have this sticker maker

I almost let it go in the last craft room purge, but decided to keep it.  It works great for making the fun small printables I find into stickers for my journal.  Hmmm…. looks like I’ve found some things that would be great for a DIY scrapbook or journal post!  : D


Well, looky there!  I have plenty of jewelry making supplies!  DIY jewelry post anyone?  : )  I also have a wood burning kit {not pictured} that would be perfect for an indoor project.

This is my catch all drawer for supplies that are used for many making purposes.  I do need more stick glue {do you see that wax stick in the link?!?} & modge podge.

I think most of my other tools are stocked up & ready to go!

Well, taking a stroll through my DIY supplies was definitely a cure for the DIY blues!  Now, time to kick this cold in the butt so I can get back to making!  : D

8 Comments on DIY Supplies & DIY Blues

  1. I had to laugh when I saw your craft supplies! Other than the spray paint, those could be my supplies ( I even have that exact same sticker maker!). I hope that you come up with some smaller do-able projects soon, but knowing your creative mind you will 🙂

  2. I need to do this also. I did finally get rid of most of my paints as they were getting dried out. I have boxes of jewelry making goodies. 3 small bins of embroidery thread, more fabric than I’ll ever use, crayons, pencils, etc. I think we all have a bit of hoarder in us. lol.

    • As long as I keep it divided & neatly displayed, I think of it as “collection”! 😀 But I definitely have more craft supplies than I will probably ever use!

  3. I see so much goodness in your supplies 😃 and would love to see some instructional on how to use some…if you’re up for ideas hehe. I’ve never tried the distress ink and am really interested. And I’ve got a wood burning kit too that I want to play with and haven’t yet. Also the amount of mod podge products – it’s so confusing! I have the photo transfer liquid that again I haven’t tried yet. I got right into using my slice fabrique cutter, like the old cricut sort of, but haven’t for ages, I must pull it out again.Oh and playing with gold leaf is also on my list (I’ve got some silver leaf). And also I could give you a run for your money with the brushes, markers, and glues 😂😂😂

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