One of my favorite things to do is to turn random items into something new. Anything that catches my eye when I’m out thrifting is bound to wind up in my maker stash. I did a little clean out this summer and decided I really need to repurpose this stuff or clear it out. Got a little distracted with all the summer fun, but I’m back at it with this funky vase I made from some random objects in my maker stash. Can y’all guess I what I used to make it?
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You may have guessed the top part is an old light cover from a ceiling fan. I kept them because I liked the shape and amber tone of the glass. The bottom half is a car part I bought along with a box full of elastic at a yard sale. I think it’s a filter cover of some kind, but I really liked the hole pattern.

I cleaned up everything with a little degreaser and glass cleaner. Then I sprayed the car part with some Rust-Oleum Modern Farmhouse in satin country blue. The light cover fit perfectly into the hole in top of the car part – it was meant to be!

I decided it needed a little more something, something, so I used a doily, some twine, & a vintage button to soften it up a bit. The latch hook came it handy when I was weaving the twine between all those holes. I used good ole e6000 to attach the doily and button.
A funky vase is born!

I love how this turned out! It’s got just the right funky, vintage vibe for me and it matches the tin can planters I made a while back….

My plant in the middle needs an upgraded pot – it’s getting to big for it’s plants! Tee hee! I also love adding random objects to my planters like the plastic dinosaur skeleton.

I left the glass cover unattached so I can put a little mason jar down in it with water if I want to display fresh flowers. Currently I have some faux fall foliage in it – love!

I picked these picks up at Walmart for less than 5 bucks.

Hope y’all enjoyed my funky vase repurpose! I still have 2 or 3 of these shades left to repurpose, so more fun to come.
Other fun re-purposes to check out:

Kristie, I love it. I love to repurpose things also. When I want or need something, I love to go thrifting to see if I can find what I want or need at one and win win, saving money, and enjoying what I love to do.