Last year I signed up for Cotton Cuts fall Puzzle Mystery Quilt. It was my first time signing up & I really enjoyed the experience. I enjoyed it so much, in fact, that I signed up for 2020’s fall PMQ. My first package came in the mail last week & I thought I’d share my experience with this club. Just in case y’all need something else to make! ; )
Last year I ordered the larger size quilt, which made a 72″ x 72″ quilt top. This year I went with the smaller size quilt top, which makes a 48″ x 60″ quilt top. You can check out the Cotton Cuts about page for more information about shipping & such. If you decide to try it out, you can put in my email address – kristie dot cook2 at gmail dot com – in the “recommended by” space at checkout. I spelled that out so bots won’t snag my email! Now, let’s take a peak at what you get!
Cotton Cuts PMQ
Each month you get pre-cut fabric, instructions for piecing the blocks, & a block of the month card. There are several colorways to choose from & I chose the Candyland colorway. Mostly because it has Tula Pink prints in it!

You also get a lettered color swatch card with the first shipment. This is how you know what fabric goes where. I also got a pack of playing cards with this shipment. You don’t get extras like that every month, but sometimes there’s a little langniappe in there!
I like to layout all my pieces so I can see how the blocks go together.
I’ll go through the block instructions & see how much stuff I can stack up & chain sew at one time.
I even leave them in the chain when I iron them open! Last year, the instructions even told you which way to iron the seams. I didn’t see that in these instructions. It’s helpful if you’re new to sewing quilts & because you don’t know what the final quilt looks like.
Probably the best thing about this club is that all the triangle pieces already have the dog-ears cut off. That means no trimming required!
Just a few more seams & my blocks will be done!
Okay y’all, make sure you pay attention to the instructions! I missed the part that showed I needed to reverse the HST for the bottom. If you look close, you might see the holes left behind from a ripped seam…
Four blocks done! Something else I noticed that’s different from last year is the labels. Last time there were little labels you could cut out to pin to the blocks each month. I will just keep the instruction page with it.
I have finished my quilt top from last year’s club. This was the best picture I could get because rain wouldn’t let me take one outside – boo!
I still need to cut the fabric for the binding, which does come with the last month. There was also a really neat felt pin kit that came along with it I need to make.
All in all I really love this club! It’s so nice to have everything cut out for you & to be able to just sit and sew. I would recommend this for new quilters as well as seasoned quilters!
Have you tried the Cotton Cuts Puzzle Mystery Quilt? Or maybe you’ve tried another quilt block of the month club you’d like to share. I’d love to hear from you in the comments! : )