
recover a chair cushion

How to Recover a Chair Cushion

  Today’s I’ll show you how to use an old chair cushion cover to make a new one.  This will finish up my thinking chair makeover & give me a comfy spot to think!  Since this cushion has a “T” shape, there are a few tricks I’ll show you to get around those corners & […] Read more…

the monthly roundup May 2017

The Monthly Roundup ~ May 2017

Today is my 1 year blogiversary!  This kind of snuck up on me y’all!  I didn’t realize today was the day until I logged in & WordPress said “happy anniversary!”  As exciting as that is, I have nothing special planned for today besides the regular monthly roundup.  My son graduates tonight, so this week has […] Read more…

The Monthly Roundup ~ April 2017

Where did April go?!?  I can’t believe it’s already time for another monthly roundup!  As usual, I’ll tell you what I’ve been up to “behind the scenes” & give you a peak at what’s coming up in May.  I’ve got some exciting news about some changes & future plans for the blog.  Y’all sit back and […] Read more…

fixing the washing machine

The Ups & Downs of Fixing the Washing Machine

  I really hadn’t planned on writing a post about fixing the washing machine today.  Today’s post was supposed to be about taking a picture & turning it into fabric art.  Much, much more fun than fixing large appliances.  Since I fought with the washer all weekend & on into today, that was not to […] Read more…

The Start of a Mini Garden Makeover

Way back when I started this blog I mentioned that I garden.  I also showed a picture (from a distance!) of my overgrown, weed infested, garden.  There were several different things that led to this, but this year I’m determined to get it & my side gardens back under control!  I started with one of […] Read more…

the monthly roundup march 2017

The Monthly Roundup ~ March 2017

  Remember me asking if “Finish it Friday” needed a different name?  Well, this is what I decided on!  I also decided to do it the last Friday of the month instead of the first Friday.  Anyway, this will be a roundup of what I’ve been doing for March, things I’ve found on the web, & […] Read more…

Adding an Envelope Back to a Quilted Top

Adding an Envelope Back to a Quilted Top

I’ve seen many posts about making an envelope pillow cover from a single piece of fabric.  What if you want a removable cover that has a different front and back?  Or, what if you have an odd shape you want to add a removable cover to?  Today I’m going to show you how to figure […] Read more…