
DIY Supplies & DIY Blues

I’ve been having a little bit of a DIY mental block here lately!  Most of the projects I really want to do, are larger projects.  Larger projects have to be done outside & it’s either too cold, raining, or – we’ve even had snow this year!  So, I’ve had to think of smaller projects to […] Read more…

DIY Magnet Board & Magnets ~ Trial & Error

Sometimes when I start a project I know exactly what I need to do.  Sometimes it takes a little trial & error!  This DIY magnet board has been on my list for a little bit & I decided to try some different things to see what worked best.  That’s the only way to know sometimes!  […] Read more…

Crocheted Pixel & Lace Heart ~ Part 1

This crocheted pixel & lace heart pattern is something that came to me while I was trying to go to sleep one night.  That’s why I need to brain dump in my journal at night – I sleep a little better!  Anyway, I love combining different yarns in a project to give it more texture, […] Read more…

Making Decorative Paper Clips ~ Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop

Today I’m joinng a Pinterest Challenge Blog Hop with several other bloggers!  You may notice this post is a little earlier than usual & it will replace my Wednesday post this week.  This will be a once a month thing & I hope y’all enjoy! Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I may […] Read more…

Tag Team DIY Lamp

Why is this a tag team DIY lamp?  Because my husband & I worked on it together!  Although there was some figuring out to do, there was no tag team wrestling involved, if that’s what you thought.  ; )  When I wrote “tag team” it reminded me of this song from the 90s.  Now it’s […] Read more…

Wooden Basket Labels

Today’s DIY is so easy I almost didn’t post it!  Since it’s the new year & people are organizing everything {including me}, I thought someone might find this useful.  I recently separated my fabric scraps into bins & baskets according to size.  This was great for cleaning off my fabric shelf, but I needed some […] Read more…

Christmas Printables

Although I don’t have a DIY project to show off today, I do have some fun Christmas printables for y’all.  Christmas is so close & my time is being taken up by “project present”!  That’s just me saying most of my projects are top secret & it will be after Christmas before I can share […] Read more…