
Monthly Roundup ~ January 2018

  Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission if you buy something through my link or ad.  This does not change your cost it just helps keep this blog running.  Thanks for your support!  See Privacy Policy & Affiliate Deals page for more information. Blog News There are some changes coming to […] Read more…

Crafty Makes from the Original Teadoddles

Today was supposed to be the first Teadoddles Talks interview of the year.  Between my internet being out for over a week & the second class I teach starting this week, it just wasn’t going to happen!  It will have to be postponed until next month.  Since today would have been my Memaw Teadoddles’ 92nd […] Read more…

Tag Team DIY Lamp

Why is this a tag team DIY lamp?  Because my husband & I worked on it together!  Although there was some figuring out to do, there was no tag team wrestling involved, if that’s what you thought.  ; )  When I wrote “tag team” it reminded me of this song from the 90s.  Now it’s […] Read more…

Top Ten Posts of 2017

Did you see that title & wonder what happened to Teadoddles Talks?  The short answer – internet troubles!  My internet has been out for a solid week, which is not good for a blogger!  Anyway, it’s finally fixed & Teadoddles Talks will be back next Friday.  Today I thought I would share my top ten […] Read more…

Quilt Backs, Quilt Basting, & Quilt Alongs

This year I experimented a little with different quilt backs & basting methods.  My go to for backings has always been one solid or semi solid backing, but I wanted to try some new things.  I also have, almost always, used large safety pins for basting the “quilt sandwich”.  In this post you will find […] Read more…

2017 Year End Roundup + Future Plans

The year is almost over & I can hardly believe it!  It’s time to look back, take stock, & clean out, so I can move forward into the new year.  If I have a word for this coming year, it would be “simplify”.  There are so many projects waiting to be completed in my work […] Read more…

Quilting Goals for 2018

Today I’m talking about my quilting goals for 2018!  It’s right around the corner y’all!  It’s about time to reflect on what was done & think about what’s coming up next year.  I’m linking up with Quilting Jetgirl’s 2018 Planning Party today, so be sure to check out all the other quilty plans for the upcoming […] Read more…