
Monthly Roundup ~ September 2017

Another month has gone by & it’s time for a Monthly Roundup!  This month has been crazy y’all!  With so much happening in all areas of my life, I’m surprised I have anything extra to show today.  Let’s see what I’ve been up to in September 2017…. Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means […] Read more…

Teadoddles Talks #1 ~ Four Peaches Fabric

I’m starting a new series on the blog called “Teadoddles Talks”.  I’ve met so many wonderful people through Facebook groups, link parties, & Instagram I thought it would be fun to get to know them better with an interview.  Then I can share what they do, why they do it, & where to find it! […] Read more…

Monthly Roundup ~ August 2017

Another month has gone by & it’s time for a Monthly Roundup!  This month has not been as productive as I’d hoped, but I still have plenty to share with y’all.  Let’s see what I’ve been up to in August 2017…. Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means I may receive a small commission […] Read more…

The Monthly Roundup ~ July 2017

  Y’all where is this year going?!?  Summer is almost over & school starts back soon & I just can’t believe it’s that time again already!  This year will be so different because my son graduated & will be headed to college soon.  It’s a weird bittersweet feeling because I will miss him, but I […] Read more…

Keeping Up with the Who, What, When, & Where of WIPs

Last week I posted about how I organize my WIPs.  That was more about storing the physical project, but there’s another part to it.  The patterns & details!  This post will deal with how to keep up with the who, what, when, & where of WIPs.  That just leaves the why, to which I say […] Read more…

The Monthly Roundup ~ June 2017

I can’t believe we are tipping over into the 2nd half of the year already!  I’ve been knee deep in projects, reorganizing, & future blogging plans.  This monthly roundup is jammed pack with crafty awesomeness!  I did warn you last month that I would be making, making, making because I have more “free” time during […] Read more…

the monthly roundup May 2017

The Monthly Roundup ~ May 2017

Today is my 1 year blogiversary!  This kind of snuck up on me y’all!  I didn’t realize today was the day until I logged in & WordPress said “happy anniversary!”  As exciting as that is, I have nothing special planned for today besides the regular monthly roundup.  My son graduates tonight, so this week has […] Read more…