Father’s Day is coming up this Sunday, are y’all ready? While I can’t do a post about what a father really wants {like my mother one}, I can tell you what it’s like to be a daddy’s girl. Daddy’s & daughters share a different kind of bond & I’m sure some of you can relate. Hope y’all enjoy this tale of a daddy’s girl!
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The Early Years
Growing up, Dad always made life fun. He was a truck driver for as long as I can remember, which meant long hours & time away from home. Despite this, I never felt like he was missing. Whenever he was home we always did things together.
When I was little {under 2} I used to climb out of my crib and play in the floor until my parents woke up. Dad built me a set of steps so I could get out easier & not fall. He says I was born independent, but even if that’s true, he encouraged it!
I was a tomboy growing up, so I was just fine with tagging along on fishing trips to the neighbor’s pond with Dad. He taught me how to bait a hook & appreciate the wonders of nature. Playing in the dirt, climbing trees, & building scrap wood airplanes were all the things I wanted to do. There was no room for dresses & bows, much to my mom’s disappointment.
On the weekends, we would go on little trips to walk trails or explore local attractions. Just little day trips with an overnight campout on occasion. If my mom had to work, we got to sleep in & didn’t even have to brush our hair or teeth! My mom wasn’t too fond of this either when we showed up to visit her at the bakery she worked at!
Dad would just say “What? It’s Saturday!”
Sunday mornings were for homemade pancakes by Dad. He would make special shapes upon request. I really liked the Pac-Man & Ghost pancakes!
Of course we had our disagreements, like any family does, but my childhood was awesome! Dad is the one that encouraged my curiosity, creativity, & independence. Even if he got tired of me asking “why” all the time!
The Teenage Years
There comes a point for most daddy’s girls when they think Dad’s not that awesome. It’s really just the hormones talking ladies! Yeah, I went through a “phase” of thinking my dad didn’t know what he was talking about. We butted heads a lot because we are both hard-headed! I outgrew it – eventually.

Through all this teenage turmoil, Dad taught me to drive, how to change a tire, & to never let boys take advantage of me. He was determined I would learn to drive a stick shift & I did, sorta. I learned enough to pass muster & immediately forgot it! I haven’t driven a stick shift since those lessons, but now I can see how it could be important to know. Sorry Dad!

When I was about 12, my parents bought the house they currently live in. I helped paint, hang drywall, & do other remodeling tasks over the years, which fueled my love for DIY. Dad let me decide what color to paint my room & how I wanted to decorate it. That’s why my room was dark blue with white trim & had daisy flower curtains I made myself.

Dad bought me a sewing machine for my 16th birthday because he knew I loved sewing. He always found a way to encourage the things I loved to do, even if it didn’t last long {hello electric guitar!}. Even during this time of teenage angst, Dad stood by me, when I’m sure he wanted to wring my neck sometimes.
Early adulthood is only slightly better than high school, in my opinion! I struggled to find my place in the world, to find love, & myself. Dad would do anything in his power to help me out, but I’m usually too stubborn to ask. That’s that independent streak he helped encourage!

We also realize that our parents are people too as we get older. My dad and I are more alike than I like to admit sometimes. The other day I was getting on the interstate, fussing about what the other drivers were doing.
I looked at my son & said “I sound like your Papa!” He just laughed & said he was thinking the same thing!
That’s not the only thing we have in common. We are both very passionate people & our feelings are always on display. It’s hard for us to watch anything “touchy feely” together because we can just look at each other & the tears will flow. My love for making also came from my dad – he even bought himself a sewing machine y’all!
I’m okay with having so much in common with him & it’s not just because I’m a daddy’s girl. Dad is the type of guy that shaved his hair off when my mom lost hers to cancer. He’s the type of guy that takes supper to his 80-year-old neighbor to make sure she’s eating. Dad is also the man who went skydiving for his 60th birthday!
All of this makes him an all around awesome person that just happens to be my dad. That’s why I’m okay with having so much in common with him!
Happy Father’s Day to my dad & all the dad’s out there! Y’all have a great weekend!
Thanks Kristie I love you too. And this time I mean it Love Dad.
I love you too Dad!
That is the sweetest post ever! What an awesome dad you have! Mine is pretty awesome too, underneath all the grumbling that sometimes happens. My sis and I have always known he loves us to pieces. Aren’t we all just lucky gals?!
Thank you Monique! Mine can be grumbly sometimes too but he is still awesome. We are very lucky gals!
This is awesome! I cried while I was reading it….
Me too!
Ok I cried, your Dad is the most wonderful of men, and i know you know that. I wish I could say the same about mine, but sadly I cant. Kids/Adults take great parents for granted, they shouldn’t, those great parents should always be cherished, just like you do. I married a good man who is a great Dad to his kids and our daughter is definitely “Daddy’s girl” and I think that is just wonderful. Great post Kristie. xx
Thank you Guida! I definitely know my dad is special. Glad to hear your daughter is a daddy’s girl too.