Time for the next post in my watch, listen, read series! This is where I share all the things I watch & listen to while creating. The reading is for when my hands need a rest! The official first day of winter was on December 21st, so I missed that by about a week. What can I say – it’s been busy around here y’all!
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I’m including my thoughts on things from my fall 2018 list. Each category will start with a recap of the fall list & then list new things for winter 2018/2019.
This watch list includes things on Amazon Prime, Netflix, YouTube, & TV. Today I’m going to see Aquaman with my son & dad! Maybe I’ll be able to add my “review” before I post this. ; )
Amazon Prime
You can find movies, TV shows, & original content on Amazon Prime. I haven’t watched any of the things on my list from before, so they are staying on the list!
On My Watch List
- Wonder Wheel Amazon Prime original movie ~> Still on my watch list from last season because I haven’t watched it!
- Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan ~> This is based on one of the many series of books from author Tom Clancy. The star also played a character on The Office, so I’m eager to see him in a different role! Maybe one day I’ll even read the books. ; )
This is a paid service you can get for as little as $7.99/month. I have the standard plan which allows watching the same movie/show on two screens at a time for $10.99/month. This means my son & I could watch a movie together even though he’s 3 hours away! : )
The links in this section are to places than Netflix because you can’t view them there unless you have an account.
- The Flash ~> I love super hero shows & movies – yes, I’m a big nerd! This is one that my son & I used to watch on TV, but I haven’t watched it in a while. I decided to catch up on all the seasons!
- The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell ~> This came out around Halloween & it’s a strange sort of show. The main character is like a combination of Martha Stewart & Lily from the Munsters! There are also Muppet-like creatures in the show. Even though it was a little weird, it made me laugh & the creations she makes are super awesome!
- Christmas Chronicles ~> If you have Netflix, you need to watch this movie! Such a great, new look at a Christmas movie, plus it has Kurt Russell as Santa Claus. Gotta love that! I watched it first by myself, then with my husband & son. They loved it as well!
- The Travelers ~> Season 3 is now on Netflix & this is my “watch while washing dishes” show! This is a science fiction show about people from the future trying to change things in the past. I enjoy the characters in this one & the plot is always changing.
- The Originals ~> Never watched this on TV, but it’s another one I “watch while watching dishes”. I get bored with it sometimes & then go back to it later. It’s all about vampires & filled with lots of drama. I’m in the last of 5 seasons & there will be no more since it ended this year.
On My Watch List {Still!}
- The Imitation Game ~> Cryptanalysts trying to break German code during World War II plu
- it has Benedict Cumberbatch in it. He apparently has a secret about his identity in the movie, so I’m intrigued! {This is on Amazon Prime Video too, which is what the link is to.}
- Best and Most Beautiful Things ~> Yet another one on my watch list that I haven’t watched! I really should look at these lists when I’m trying to find something to watch. : D
Man, I could make a mile long list here because I’ve “met” so many awesome people on YouTube! I’ll keep it to just 3 for today. Be sure to check out my podcast, Teadoddles Talks, as well. : )
- Summer’s Tips & Stitches ~> She mostly talks about crochet & I think I’ve mentioned her before! However, she mentioned my podcast in one of her videos which led to me getting more subscribers. Super happy lady & some great makes!
- Zeens and Roger ~> Another crochet podcast, but I haven’t had any interactions with her. She is a crochet designer & shares lots of fun, colorful makes.
- Tatted Tatter ~> This one has knitting, crochet, & some other yarny bits. She learned to knit through a Craftsy course & I’m hoping to do the same!
Well my DVR shows are all caught up since I’ve been out of school! I spent a whole day crocheting hats for Christmas & managed to catch up most of them. The rest came in the evenings while crocheting – of course!
- The Holiday Baking Championship 2018 ~> This is one of my favorite things to watch during the holidays! They start with Thanksgiving & move through Hannukah & Christmas. The only thing bad about this show is that I want to eat all the baked goods!
- The Voice ~> This season was epic with tons of great singers! I was happy with the winner although I never vote for these things. Haha!
- Criminal Minds ~> I think their may be one or two still waiting for me, but I’m mostly caught up. I really love the characters in this one even though they have changed a little over time. It’s been on since 2005, so I hope no big changes are coming up!
If you haven’t heard, Craftsy Unlimited has changed to Bluprint! They have so much awesome stuff in there & I can’t wait to dig in even more. I can’t link directly to the videos I’m watching/wanna watch, but I can give you a list ~>
My podcast listening has slowed a bit here lately. I’ve put an app {SyncTunes Ultimate} on my phone that lets me add podcasts from iTunes. I have a Samsung S8 because I love the Android devices & really don’t care for the iPhones. I also put the Audible app on my phone so I can listen to any audio books I have. This all allows me to listen to these things during my 45 minute drive to {and from} school. Of course, I have to remember to upload new episodes/books! I did manage to listen to one book…
- The Nerdist Way: How to Reach the Next Level (In Real Life) by Chris Hardwick ~> Yes, this is a self-help book, but it’s a little different than the usual kind. This book speaks directly to those of us that would be considered “nerds” & it’s written by a very successful “nerd”. He’s had a interesting life & fell into some bad habits that he overcame. I liked this book because it really spoke to me & how my brain actually works. He covers everything from time management, to health, to panic attacks. Just beware that he has a bit of a foul mouth & some strange references that may offend some people. ; )
While I didn’t read the books on my original list, I did manage to read 4 books this past season! That was mostly because my power was out for 8 days due to hurricane Michael. ; )
Recently Finished
- A Merciful Death (Merci Kilpatrick Book 1) by Kendra Elliot ~> This one’s all about a female FBI agent returning home to investigate murders of survivalists. It has mystery & a little romance & I really liked the characters. I’ll be checking out the other books in the series.
- The Thinnest Air by Minka Kent ~>This book seems a little familiar to Gone Girl, but it has some different twists. A younger woman married to a much older, wealthy man goes missing & her sister sets out to find her. It was interesting enough to keep me reading to the end. : )
- The Watchmaker’s Daughter (Glass & Steele Book 1) by C.J. Archer ~> This book was interesting & filled with fun characters. It is the first in a series of 7 books, which I will be checking out. I noticed some reviews complaining about it being an “unfinished book”, but it does say it’s book 1. I kind of expect things like that when there is a whole series of books, that’s the point really!
- It Happened at Two in the Morning by Alan Hruska ~> This is a fast paced “who done it” type of book. A man witnesses a murder at 2 a.m. {duh!} and wakes up the next day trapped with the man’s daughter. They run around trying to figure out what happened & escape people trying to kill them. A fun & quick read!
- Bone Music (The Burning Girl Book 1) by Christopher Rice ~> I picked this book to read out of one of my “Amazon Firsts” lists. If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you get to pick a free book every month. It’s another 1st-in-the-series book & it’s still currently free, which seems to be a trend in books series on Amazon. Anyway, this is all about a girl raised by serial killers that had murdered her mother. Then she’s rescued & her biological father exploits her story in the media until she leaves because she’s had enough. After that, she’s secretly dosed with an experimental drug that makes her have super human strength. Crazy! Anyway, that’s basically where this begins, but it has a slow start which is why I haven’t finished it yet.
- Frozen Past (A Jaxon Jennings’ Detective Mystery Thriller Series, Book 1) by Richard C. Hale ~>
I dug way back in my list to find this one. Apparently I purchased it in 2014 & still haven’t read it!! Another detective looking for a psychopath, which is my favorite kind of book. : )
- The Unremembered Girl: A Novel by Eliza Maxwell ~> I’m still working on this one! It’s a book that I kind of get bored with at points then come back to. I’ll finish it eventually!
I think I’ll end this here because it’s getting a little extreme! Look for Spring 2019’s list in March!