Whew! Today has been busy, busy, busy! But, I promised a list of my WIP’s! One of the best ways to learn more about sewing or crocheting, is to join a CAL or QAL. What is that, you ask? It’s a crochet-a-long or quilt-a-long! Usually, there is one block, square, or item per month. Some do one or two per week and there are even some that have one daily. Sometimes a QAL is called a BOM, which means block of the month. Below is a (partial) list of the ones I have signed up with. Why partial? Because sometimes I sign up for one and really don’t have the time to do it, but I collect them for later! The list will contain pictures of what I have done and links so you can sign up too if you want!
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The Splendid Sampler™
Frequency – 2 quilt blocks per week, 100 blocks plus bonuses!
Website – http://www.thesplendidsampler.com/
Email signup – https://madmimi.com/signups/181676/joinxxx
As you can see, I have blocks cut out, but none sewn yet!
Frequency – 1 square per week for 48 weeks, instructions for knitting or crochet
Website – http://lattesandllamas.com/
I am really behind on this one! I am crocheting as I know very little about knitting.
My Favorite Things
Website – https://sewhooked.com/
Frequency – 1 quilt block per month, January to December
The pattern is only free on the 1st of the month!
I am only missing two blocks to be caught up on this one!
Hodge Podge 2016 Afghan Sampler CAL
Website – http://hodgepodgecrochet.net/2016/01/hodgepodge-hosts-2016-afghan-sampler-crochet-along/
Frequency – 1 square per week, crochet
This one actually ends this month, but the patterns will be free until the in of 2016!
2016 Crossroads QAL
Website – http://fatquartershop.blogspot.com/p/crossroads.html
Frequency – 1 quilt block per month, February to September
This one helps benefit the March of Dimes. The block is free every month, but a $5 donation is suggested.
Moogly CAL 2016
Website – http://www.mooglyblog.com/mooglycal2016-block-11/
Frequency – 1 Square every 2 weeks, January to November
I really wish I had selected brighter colors for this, especially after seeing everyone else’s!
In my defense it was winter when I picked out the colors. 🙂
My Secret Garden 2016
Website – http://blog.patsloan.com/2016-my-secret-garden/
Frequency – 1 quilt block per month, January to October
I really like the fabric I picked out for this one!
Holiday Stashdown 2016 CAL
Website – http://www.ravelry.com/groups/holiday-stashdown-cal
Frequency – 1 gift per month, January to August, 1 gift per week September to mid-December
This CAL is on Ravelry, which requires you to create an account. It’s free and a great place to meet crocheters and knitters, find new patterns, and keep up with what you are working on.
This one is really fun, because you make something different everytime and you have gifts for your friends and family at the end! That’s a hat and cowl in the pic, by the way!
These two are just personal quilts I’m making:

As you can see, I’ve got quite a lot on my plate! What about my garden? Well, it’s still a WIP, but not much to show right now except this strawberry plant I uncovered. Proof it was growing real food at one time!
And, as if that’s not enough, look what landed in my kitchen today –
Courtesy of my grandmother-in-law, 3 boxes of peaches and 6 cantaloupes! Peach cobbler and smoothies here I come!
Ya’ll have a great evening, and until next time…
What are some of your WIPs?